Benny Hinn needs you! Well, he actually needs your money. You see, he has asked the Lord to speak to 6,000 people to "sow a seed" of $1,000 over the next 90 days. And who knows, you may be one of those lucky people!
You will not go without reward for your gift however. First,

you get one of these cool model planes :
"Your name will be placed prominently in a special area of Dove One where I study and pray during my travels, where I will also pray for you and your family as I go around the world preaching the Gospel. Everywhere I fly, your name will travel with me, millions of miles and for years to come, reminding me that you have made it possible for me to go and preach as God has called me to do."
Whoa! Sign me up!
I find many things wrong and disturbing about this. People are buying into this stuff and not only does it hurt them financially, more importantly, they are deceived and end up in hell. My mindwent into question mode when i read this.
"Am I reacting on a preconcieved idea of Benny Hinn?"
"Could this be used of God?"
"Is God glorified in Benny Hinn's ministry and would buying a jet give God glory?"
And I know this has somewhat become a cliche, but "Would Jesus do this?"
Anyway, just some of my thoughts on this.
Disclaimer: I am not suggesting you send money to Benny Hinn, this is not a commercial for him or his "ministry."