For His Glory

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Control: Us vs. God

Ecc 7:20 Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

Why do we sin? Why is there no righteous man on earth who never sins?

The answer I believe is control. Control is our major flaw as humans. We are not in control, and by nature, we do not like that so we rebel against it. However, even though I choose how to live, it is not my life and not my body. I belong to God. In light of this, I feel that instead of praying, "God, please do thus and so", or "Please forgive me for thus and so", sometimes, I feel I should be praying, "God, here I am, take control of me. I'm yours, use me according to your will."

Our supernatural God does not work in ways that are completely unreal to our reality however. Giving God control of our lives is not an on-the-spot transition into a sinless life. It's an expression of a desire for a sinless life. From then on, it's a total struggle to free ourselves of the control we've taken over ourselves in the past.

We live for Him. People see us whether they are Christians or not. Let's not let them see us, but let them see God. Let them see who is in control.


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